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From working with thousands of young people over the past 10 years I have seen first-hand young people struggle with their appreciation of their rights and responsibilities and where to turn to for actual answers! 

I realised quickly that there was no engaging/age appropriate online courses available that breaks down complex legal terminology and takes away the misconceptions out there – until now “The Law Uncovered”.

As a young person their relationship with the law is complex, it actually touches nearly every part of their daily lives. My passion is that everyone needs to know the law not just lawyers! 

The language of the law should not be foreign and that’s my skillset that I can break the terminology down and make it engaging and interactive where young people are wholly involved. 

Knowledge is power, and as they learn more about legal issues, think about the positive changes they could bring at home, school and their community. 


Kate’s qualifications: BA, LL. B, Dip Corp. Gov, H. Dip Guidance & Counselling, BPS Testing, Solicitor, Member of the English, Wales & Northern Ireland Law Society. 


Kate is an entrepreneur and edupreneur since 2010 running both LawEd and CareerEd www.lawed.ie